
January 11, 2012

Granny -A-Day 2012

I started a new long term project! I am really excited about this!

I joined Granny-A-Day so by the end of the year I will have crocheted 366 granny squares. Since, I am pretty new to crocheting, in general, I thought that this would be a good way to practice what I've learned so far and also learn some new stitches.

I found out about this on the 9th of January so I had some catching up to do. I was trying to decide where to start and I remembered that I had bought these Deborah Norville Serenity Chunky yarns. One is called Pristine and the other is called Smoke Heather. I picked them up because I love how they feel. Super soft. At this point I've already gone through each of these skeins. Since I have a couple more in my stash I'll keep going but, I am cheap and when I'm done with these I may start something else while I wait to see if there is a good price on these again.

On the first day I just made 3 rows of each color while I was trying to figure out what direction I wanted to go. Then, it came to me.... I think I will just make a grey and cream blanket. I still keep thinking I may add some deep red as a trim at some point, we'll see.

So, I got to work. Between yesterday and today I got caught up since today is day 11 in the project. In bed last night I was thinking (since I had a root canal yesterday, I couldn't sleep but that's whole other story) about what I want from this and I am going to do the solid colors around the edges and the various two color options (which is 8 patterns) in the middle. I am doing the "join as I go" method which is new to me. I've always made a stack of squares and joined at the end but, I think I like this~

My soon to be blanket matches Riley!

1 comment:

  1. Wow your dog is great a crocheting! Well done Riley - picture is now on the blog!
