
November 29, 2011

The park is ready for Christmas

I went for a run in the park yesterday and ran by this tree. If you only knew that the park I run in is very removed from the city so seeing this seemed very random.
Love it~ I may even bring an ornament to contribute to the adorable Charlie Brown Tree.

November 13, 2011

Rampart won 1st place

Yeah! Rampart Rams Cheerleaders won first place in the 5A division for their first competition of the season! I am so excited for all of the girls! I know how hard they all worked. GO RAMS!!
Jasmine did awesome! After they attend the State Competition in December I will post the video of her routine.

This is Jasmine with her friend Kelsi

November 12, 2011

Girl's night out

Friday night I got to enjoy a night out with my two sisters, my daughter and my niece. When went to a play at the high school, All My Sons. It was amazing for a high school production.

Scarlett did pretty good. Recently, all the girls, including Scarlett, went to see the movie Footloose at the theater. She was great through that whole movie. This time there was a little fuss for just a minute. But, considering she's just three months that adorable kid is becoming cultured!

November 6, 2011

It snowed on us at the cabin today

Keith and I went to the cabin to take the boat there for the winter. When we got there it started dumping snow on us! That's an understatement, actually! Then, next thing you know as soon as we were done securing the tarp with rope and bungees to the boat it stopped snowing. I suppose it is November!

I took this picture right before we left of the water in the pond. I can hardly see the cabin in the distance...