
October 24, 2008

Keith's Birthday presents

My Mother and Father In-law are driving in today from Kansas City, MO for Keith's birthday tomorrow. He will be 44. For his birthday present he wanted a table for the bus. He picked it out himself online, he ordered it about 3-4 weeks ago and I wondering when it will be here. He had it shipped to his work. So, he'll get to see before I will. I know he is looking forward to getting it and seeing it in the bus. With all that said, I wanted to give him something to open on his birthday so I picked up a couple of things that are little but go along with the theme of his table if there has to be a theme that is. So, I got him a couple of place mats, a candle and a new travel coffee mug. Jazzy picked out a cozi for a beer bottle, it's a Hawaiian shirt cozi. He wants to decorate the bus in beach themed decor, so the place mats I picked out are bamboo and light colored enough I think they will go with his theme. I know what your thinking, what man is going to want a candle and place mats for his birthday? I know, I know, I was at a loss of things to get just in the name of having something to open. We'll see if he likes it all. I just hope he remembers that the table he wanted was the main gift. And, the table cost of lot once we paid for shipping. But, I did get a wonderful Kitchenaid mixer last year for my birthday from my wonderful husband.

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