
February 22, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I've been busy but, not on Granny's!

I went to a couple classes at Jo-Ann's in the last week. The first one I went to was "Stitch of the Month". Technically this isn't every month, they offer this class every two months and show a new stitch. For Jan. and Feb. it was the Woven Stitch. See, here is mine made with dusty blue! I came home from the class and made another one and I did a sc st around the edge in beige. The March/April class is a granny square. I am not going since I know this one but, I do plan to make a couple to go with these. By the end of the year you will have a blanket with different stitches.

I also went to another class that is a two session class. The second class is this coming Sat. This class is a Sock Monkey Hat. The bottom hat is the one I worked on in class. I made it bigger than the pattern called for to fit Jasmine. It fits! Then, true to me, I came home and made another hat! The top one I made to fit Keith's head. He loves it! Except he does not want me to put ears and a face on it! Ha Ha! He likes his as is!
Here is the start of my hats:

Then, I decided I needed a bag to take my yarn back in forth to classes. So, I came home and started this colorful bag. I went looking for a good one to make and I decided to make this one. I used 11 different colors all colors I am using in the other granny square blanket I started. I am not quite done with it, I made the handles as you can see but, I just need to attach them. I'm going to buy some buttons to put on where the handles are attached to the bag. I can't wait to show you the finished project.

Jasmine has been wanting a bag to carry her books in so, I started one for her too!

February 16, 2012

WIP Wednesday


Ok, I know today is Thursday but I just linked my blog to Work in Progress Wednesday. Considering I did just post about my newest project yesterday I'm going with it!

I love this! I love being linked to other bloggers!

February 15, 2012

Here's what I've been up to

I made this blanket back in October or November and I had forgotten to take a picture. I made it for my friend Kelli who had her daughter one year ago today. Happy Birthday to Maysen!

This weekend I went over for her 1st birthday party and asked if I could take a picture of this teal and white blanket I had made, well after her daughter was born. But to be clear, I didn't even know how to crochet one year ago! I helped Kelli while she was on maternity leave with her clients and as soon as she was back to work I had a little more time on my hands and took up crocheting.

I love looking at all my finished projects, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something, because I have!

Here is cute little Maysen with microphone that we gave her. I think she'll be a rock star!

This is what I've been up to for the past couple weeks. I semi-abandoned my Granny-A-Day project, not really but, I moved on to different Grannys.... This Garden Patch Granny Afghan I found and I just had to start it. It's the one on top.

I can't wait to show you the finished project but here's what I've got at this point....

This blanket is made with different sizes of granny squares, small, medium, and large. I've made 140 smalls and 32 mediums so far. when it's finished I will have 216 grannys!

I think I was drawn to this because I just love to colors.

February 1, 2012