I've even made a menu plan for (the rest of) the week. I haven't sat down to write up a menu plan since May 17. Wow! I think the craziness of summer comes and I'm always ready for a break. But now, I am ready for routine. I honestly know I thrive off of routine, structure and to-do lists.
I wanted to put together a list that I'd like to get done each week and even possibly daily. I tend to put things off if I have the opportunity. So, because I do much better with the boundaries I place on myself, I am in need of a schedule. Now, if you know me at all, I have been known to rebel against authority from time to time. So, this timeline I'm placing is just a suggestion to myself. Ha Ha! I'm cracking myself up, one minute I'm saying I need to be type A and the next I'm making sure I don't box myself in. :)
Here's what I'm working on at the moment:
- Answer the phone when it rings- because that way I don't have to return calls and that would be a time saver!
- Call or email back right away- I feel a sense of accomplishment when I don't have to think about "Do I need to returning some one's call or replying to someone?"
- Make my bed- I really enjoy getting into bed at night with it previously made!
- Eat breakfast daily- I really gotten out of the habit and I know I need to.
- Workout- even if I only get 30 min. in, I'd like to try to have something in daily
- Take my vitamin
That's a good start!